Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Really, I do.

I hope you all had fun bottling beer.
Sorry we couldn't make it.

Was it good?

This list is not right.

(Does this place look like beer city?)

Huffington Post lists their top 13 beer cities, and while some of them are on target, some are way off. I mean, Burlington at number 3? What could they be thinking? Magic Hat over Portland, Asheville, Montreal, or the drrrrtydrrrrty?

What would you put in your top 10 beer cities?
Any dark horses?
What about Holland, Michigan?

Pictures of the Beast

Here it is; a picture of fried beer that I mentioned a couple days ago:

(via the Telegraph)

Monday, August 30, 2010


Guess I missed this (or maybe I just missed somebody else posting it), but I guess the new DFH Sam TV show starts soon. At least they are not calling it something dumb like "DFH 60 Minute India Pale T-ALE-evision Show."

Friday, August 27, 2010

Could it get any better?

Now beer + state fair = disaster, but beer + robot = good times.

Now, I did try to warn you, via the blog.

Breaking news: Italy getting better at making beer.
I still think this was a great beer when I had it over there, and DFH was supposed to put it out in the states this spring, but I haven't seen it anywheres. Apparently it's at DFH brewpubs.

State fair + beer = mistake.

I wonder what Michael Pollan would say.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Beer Club Needs You

Well folks, we just can't do this alone. Beer club is a team effort, and as a blog reader, you are part of the team. We have been stalling out lately. Yet everyone is surely aching a little bit in their hearts from a lack of regular Beer Club meetings. In fact as I sat doing something on this past Thursday I thought--wow, today is the Third Thursday and we are not doing Beer Club. Something is really wrong.

Some clubs naturally die or phase out, but I am quite confident that Beer Club is not one of them. Simply put, we are too committed. To each other. To All that is Right. To Love. To Life. To Good Beer.

And we do have some ideas. In fact today during my apartment clean up, here a number of beer club ideas I found.

Here are a few:
  1. Cheese & Beer: This is not pleasing to Ariel--our resident cheese hater
  2. Barrel & Oak-aged varieties: However, as Brick Store employees pointed out to us, this is really just a trend right now. But hey--we are nothing if not trend seekers.
  3. BBQ & Beer: This sounds like a great idea and pretty easy to arrange. We did something like this semi-recently with a quorum of us but was unofficial. So that means we reserve the right to do it again.
  4. Cans and camping: We already did this, sort of of, without the camping.
  5. Imperial beers: We've long discussed this, and as good patriotic Americans, most of us really love the imperials more than anything else. But this would be hard because we'd be able to consume so very little--imperial beers are simply too high in gravity!
  6. International beers: Obviously we know Mikkeller and a lot of the Belgians, but this would be a compromise between the Tet-Offensive idea and the Below the Border idea. This would give us more room for finding special international beers. Personally, I do not think this would be a good one.
  7. Macro beers: Well, you can't win 'em all, and speaking of theme ideas I'm not crazy about, this one just won't go away. The King of Beers Club has long wanted to a taste testing of the macros, or "Buy what you can get as a gas station." I would have to fake sick this day.
  8. Beer Prom: No idea.
  9. Beer Babies: WHAT?!?! Why did I even write this one down on my scrap of paper? Is this in honor of the Founders beer with the baby on it?
  10. Lawn games & Beer Club: This is not a theme.
  11. Fatty night: Um...someone help me out here!
  12. Five Seasons: This is an idea Sam has been long cooking up, and we will be ready to jump when she says the word. How high, Sam?
  13. Japanese: A riff on some other themes. I think it would just feature Hitachino. Yawn!
  14. Single Hop: Wouldn't be too vast, I think Mikkeller would be one of the only (??)
  15. Restaurant Beer Club: Idea is to take over a BYOB place like Lunacy Black Market. Fun!
  16. Beers You Crave:
  17. Special Stash: This is a GREAT idea, whoever came up with it--we all bring someone super special and delicious. Kinda a "best of" night!
  18. Non-Beer Night: We've often talked about bourbon tastings, wine tastings, etc. And taken no action.
  19. Southern European/Mediterranean night: Nothing comes to mind. Blank slate!
  20. Best Name: Like it sounds.
  21. Best Looking: Like I said.
  22. North Cakalacky: How could we not?
  23. Pies, cakes, and beers: Yum.
Friends, those are our brainstormed ideas, generated a few beers in. Let's see where we can go from here.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Beer Club: Reignited

Hi to all of our faithful readers! I'm sure both of you have been eagerly awaiting a post from Sleeping Brewty.

Well wait no more, here I am to quench your brewsky thirst.

First, an important item that all of you (and us) should run out and get. Someone has forwarded this wonderful beer journal my way. Check this out:As you all surely know, Beer Club always works hard to document all of our witty and hilarious comments. In fact we used to regularly post our beer comments, more for our amusement than anything else. But this journal?! Daaaaaayam, how perfect is it for us DSBC folk? Whoever gets it for us will win a one-time membership to our exclusive club.

Where have we been, you ask? Like the Unitarians, we seem to have been taking the summer off. Except not really, as we had an amazing CANS beer club. Thank goodness we had Oskar Blues and 21st Amendment. And Vargo's delightful porch. Summertime beer club is low key. Yet still pretty fun and delicious.

In other exciting news, DSBC will soon be bottling its brew. And getting more famous-er with its world-class beer.

Someone post a comment to inspire us to keep blogging!