Friday, July 17, 2009

Paris: Where the beer flows like wine

Agent Catherine and I landed in Paris a few hours ago, and are thankfully freshening up at our digs for the week. We're staying in the Marais, which is one of my favorite neighborhoods over here. Hip and (for Paris) cheap: the winning combination.

Anyway, though Paris isn't known as one of the beer capitals of the world, it's more or less the best place to find French craft beer. Which may be like saying you're in the best place for sunbathing in all the Antarctic. But maybe it will surprise us? For starters, we're going to walk by this place in a minute or two, and then we'll definitely stop by this place later in the week. Anybody have better recommendations? What's the best French beer out there?

In general, they seem to have a lighter palate over here (lots of lagers and saisons), but hopefully the up-and-coming craft brewers have pushed into some more challenging flavor frontiers. We'll let you know what's what. If the Orangina is better than the beer, we're in trouble. I'll have to switch to wine, I guess... c'est la vie.

1 comment:

  1. Académie De La Bière? Love it. Of course Paris has a bar called the Academy of Beer.
