Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Beer Review (Out-of Town? Not sure)

Perhaps you can get this in the Drrty GA, but I helped myself to a bit of Péché Mortel (translation: "Mortal Sin") last night, and wow... it was killer. It's an Imperial Stout packed with tons of fair-trade coffee (pretty sure the fair-trade does not alter the taste, but it renders negligible that bitter note of economic injustice). The brewer, Montreal's Brasserie de Dieu du Ciel, knows what they are doing. You know, I've been impressed with upstate New York and Quebecker beers as of late (Southern Tier and Unibroue are now on my list of top 10 North American brewers.) If this were a piece of low-hanging forbidden fruit, there's no way I would resist the temptation. And it's a bit expensive, since it's rare (only brewed in 50-barrel batches a couple of times a year). But, oh... is it worth it...

It's black as night with a dark brown head, and smells like the best coffee you have ever sniffed... You know when you walk into a wonderful coffee house, one that roasts their own beans, and the whole place just smells like awesome? ...that's this beer. And the taste... it doesn't let up on the coffee, but there's a wonderful balance between the bitter dark roast coffee and the sweetness of some molasses, some whiskey, and just a bit of chocolate. The whole time I was sipping this nasty, nasty little drink, I was so happy to be alive. If you can find this beer, put on your smoking jacket, wait until dark, start a fire, and drink it dry.

And, if drinking this beer is a sin, it is so good it can't possibly be my fault. Who to blame...I guess you know what we have to do...

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