Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Georgia's Sunday Alcohol Ban -- Turning Beer Buyers into Felons

Robert Keefer Dell, guy who wanted to by beer in Georgia on a Sunday, was arrested on charges of DUI, fleeing police, and aggravated assault.

Dell walked into a convenience store, ignored the orange tape indicating "no Sunday alcohol sales," and put $6 on the counter. When the clerk followed him out the door Dell showed off his handgun. He then led deputies in a car chase, attempted to run over an officer, and struck a police car.

Obviously this guy is already a few cereal box tops short of a secret decoder ring, but Lord knows what would've happened had he actually been able to buy beer on Sunday. Thank you, State of Georgia, for keeping everyone safe on the Sabbath.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, because we all know that if you buy beer in a grocery store on a Sunday, Jesus cries a little bit inside. If you go to a bar or a baseball stadium, though, Jesus smiles. At least that's what good ol' Sonny Perdue told me.
