Thursday, May 14, 2009

Beer Map

This map shows the number of medals awarded since 1987 at the Great American Beer Festival. Georgia is not in the top ten or the bottom 10. Of course, they don't have too many breweries but I would say that Sweetwater and Terrapin put out some pretty good beers. Terrapin particularly is showing creativity in their brewing.

It also shows some of the top breweries and beers. There are some odd entries, especially in the beers list. O'Douls has a beer on there and St. Ides Malt Liquor is up there as well. I think they may dominate a particular category without much competition.

Where I found this

More on the map

1 comment:

  1. why do you think Oregon, Colorado, California and Wisconsin are so much more into craft beer than, say, Georgia? I don't see much tying together those demographics (except that they all vote democratic). The South is pretty dead overall. Lots of room for growth here... except that Vargo doesn't care about brewing beer. And he thinks that cake was "not rich."
