Monday, January 25, 2010

So I happened to be at the Brick Store...

...and it was the night that Brasserie des Franches Montagnes was in town. I had posted about it earlier, forgot, and then showed up with a couple of friends just in time for them to tap the special keg brought over from Switzerland. The brewmaster, Jerome Rebetez wasn't in the main bar (he was upstairs), but I wasn't in the mood for awkward beer conversation anyway - mainly because I've never tried their beers before. (Imagined dialogue: Brennan: Hey, so, what kind of beers do you, um, make? Jerome: I came across the Atlantic and you didn't even try my beer yet?) After trying a beer, I said hello and thanks for bringing the cask. He's nice.

So of course I got the beer on cask - the Tarry Suchong, a smoked beer brewed with Lapsang Souchong tea leaves, the really smoky kind. It was a rusty orange/brown color, cloudy, no head. Very odd but intriguing appearance. Smelled faintly smoky and lemony. The mouthfeel was very light, and the taste was very much like tea with lemon or orange, and a sweet smoky flavor filled in behind. Not nearly as smoky as the tea, and the taste wasn't as strong as the smell. Honestly, you could have told me it was a fermented strong tea and I might have believed you. But you know, it was good, in a very strange sort of way. I most definitely ordered another round, since I figured it would be a while until I tasted anything this good and unusual at the same time. Dogfish Head, move over - there's another crazy beer brewer in town. Highly recommended, even if just for a taste.

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